Right Now Station

Well! …firstly I sincerely apologise for dropping out for a while!

With everyone’s worlds being seriously affected by COVID19 – I personally had to get my head and my heart back onto the Right Train of Thought – & it’s not been easy! BUT – I do truly believe we are ALL the Station Masters at our own Right Now Stations – and only WE decide which train we allow to STOP or just PASS ON BY …Hate, Anger, Fear, Surprise, Contempt, Disgust or Happiness.

Me – well I am hanging out for the LOVE Train – The PEACE Train – where the destination is APPRECIATION – for the Right here baby Right Now!

I sincerely hope you enjoy my latest single from my new album There In The Ochre – and that – like me – you can use it’s message as a modern day mantra! 🙂

Stay safe!